What is transport request in SAP?

  • Ø  It is a kind of ‘Container / Collection’ of changes that are made in the development system.
  • Ø  It also records the information regarding the type of change, the purpose of transport is also known as Change Request.
  • Ø  Tasks are stored inside a TR, just like multiple files are stored in some folders. 
  • Ø  TR can be released only once all the tasks inside a TR are completed, released, or deleted.

What is Transport Management System?

  • Ø  We can organize, perform and monitor transport between your SAP Systems using STMS.
  • Ø  Consultant & Abapers will request transport from client to client.
  • Ø  Once request has been approved, Basis will transport the request using T-CODE STMS


Ø  Click on Import Overview


Ø  Based on client requirements have to move Tr to either Development or Quality or Production server.

Ø  Once completed. Click on Import Request.

Ø  Choose Target Client – 700

Ø  Choose that Import Options.


Ø  If you click on Tick icon at botton. Tr will be moved Successfully

What is Trans Directory?

In Transport directory - Data file starts with R and Co-file start with K

At OS level, we can find co-file and Data file under Trans directory

Actual difference is,

Co-files -> contains control information of the Tr. It also contains change request information files with complete details

Data files -> contains data information of the Tr. This also contains actual values and data to be used in implementing the change.

while tr, if rc > 8 then look for problem with datafile and cofile

so we have to check for permission and check data creation, size


What is Change Request?

Change requests are named in a standard format as K

·       SID – System ID

·       K – Is fixed keyword/alphabet

·       Number – can be anything from a range starting with 900001

Eg: DEVK901035




Ø  If you click on Tr (DEVK901035), you can see Object List of Request and Request Attributes.


Different types of Requests?

o   Workbench Request

o   Customizing Request


v  Workbench Request -> ‘cross-client’ customizing objects. making changes in the ABAP workbench objects. Provided by ABAPers        

v  Customizing Request -> contains objects that belong to ‘client-specific’ customizing. Mostly provided by functional team.


                    Thank you for reading.




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